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Faith That Inspires Others

Brad Spangler

Have you ever met someone who believed in something so strongly that it inspired you to step up and take action? We seem to be drawn to those types of people. Our faith too should be like that to others. When we are convinced that the price for our redemption - and all that’s included in it - has been paid through Jesus Christ, we will inspire others to receive what God has provided.

I will never forget a particular day I was used this way. During my first year at RHEMA USA, some friends and I had worked up enough courage to start going to downtown Tulsa to share the gospel with people we didn't know. One of our favorite spots was a bus station right in the heart of the city. At this particular bus station there would usually be a wide variety of people with enough time and patience to talk with us while they waited for their bus.

One night we ventured into the bus station to talk to and pray with the folks sitting inside. I started talking to a middle aged man who had been struggling for months with very painful bone spurs in his heel. But while I was talking to him a security guard came up and informed me that I had to leave. I looked at the man beside me and bluntly said, "If you come outside with me and let me pray for you, when you come back in, those bone spurs will be gone!” I'll never forget the look on his face; his eyes were so wide! He got right up and followed me out.

I prayed a simple prayer and commanded the bone spurs to leave in Jesus' name. Instantly he started to stomp his foot and exclaim, "It's gone! It's gone! The pain is gone!" And just like that he started dancing around outside of the bus station, praising and worshiping God! He told me later that when I had said, "If you come outside with me, when you come back in, the bone spurs will be gone”, something rose up inside of him telling him to follow. I believe that something was faith.

You see, Romans 10:17 says that, "faith comes by hearing". The words we hear begin to form our beliefs. As believers we need to meditate on God's Word until we become absolutely convinced of what His will is for us and for the world… salvation, healing, restoration, peace… When we are convinced of God's will, we will speak boldly of those things that we see by faith. And maybe others will hear those words and will be inspired to take action so that they too can receive God's best for their life.

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